Set Up the Administrator's Console

This function allows Administrators to set which Admin Console functions will be available to specific company roles.  For example, a Company Administrator may have access to all available functions, while a training manager may have access only to those functions that will be useful to him or her.

Go to System > Setup Administrator Console in the Navigation Bar of the Administrator's Console.  A preview of the current administrative menu will display.

Notice that the File menu is grayed out in the preview.  This is because the File options are the same for everyone.

Select the role for which you wish to define options in the Selected Role drop-down menu.


The highest-level role, Company Administrator, cannot be edited and therefore does not appear on the drop-down list.

You can click the Load Defaults button in the toolbar to start with the default actions assigned to that role.  You are then free to modify the default selections as desired.

Roll your mouse over each menu item in the preview and click on the menu items to select which ones will be visible to users assigned to this role.  A check mark will appear beside each selection option.  If you change your mind, simply click the item again to uncheck it.

When you are finished, click Preview in the toolbar to see how the screen will look to a user in the selected role.  Roll the mouse pointer over each menu item to see the drop-down menus.  Click Preview again to return to the Setup screen.

When you are satisfied with your selections, click Save.